IGCSE Maths Tutor | IGCSE Tuition - Baccalaureate Classes
Baccalaureate Classes provides well qualified and experienced IGCSE maths tutors in India. As we know that Cambridge educational programmes are some of the most popular and widely accepted educational curriculum in the world. The Cambridge IGCSE curriculum provides a wide range of course for the primary, lower secondary, higher secondary and pre university level students. The IGCSE mathematics course offered by Cambridge has many variants. We have well trained team of IGCSE maths tutor for each of the variant. These mathematics courses offered by Cambridge Assessment International Education are Mathematics - 580, Mathematics – Additional - 0606, Mathematics – Additional (US) - 0459, Mathematics – international - 0607, Mathematics (9-1) - 0980 and Mathematics (US) - 0444. The IGCSE Maths (0580) has two variants which are core and extended. The extended curriculum consists of core curriculum as well as few supplementary topics and the level of examination papers for both the courses differ a lot. The grades available for core curriculum is C D E F G whereas grades available for the extended curriculum are A* A B C D E. Our IGCSE maths tutor in Gurgaon teach core and extended students in separate batches. Students are allotted the core and extended maths as per their abilities and previous performance. The main syllabus of the course has four major sections which are Number, Algebra, Shape and space, Probability and statistics. Algebra section contains basic algebra, graphs and coordinates geometry. The shape and space section contains geometry, mensuration, trigonometry, vectors and transformations. The distribution of marks for different sections is different for core and extended courses. Our team of IGCSE maths tutor in Delhi and Noida has developed the topic wise worksheets for every section. For the IGCSE core mathematics, students are supposed to write paper 1 and paper 3. The duration of Paper 1 and paper 3 is one hour and two hours respectively. Paper 1 weighs 35% of the total grade and paper 3 weighs 65% of the total grade. For IGCSE extended mathematics, students are supposed to write paper 2 and paper 4. The duration of paper 2 and paper 4 is one hour thirty minutes and two hours thirty minutes respectively. Paper 2 weighs 23% of the total grade and paper 4 weighs 65% of the total grade. Due to the complexity of the extended course, many students feel the need of IGCSE maths tuition to understand the topic efficiently.
Many students opt for the Cambridge IGCSE International mathematics due to their keen interest to learn the subject. The main aim of the course is to make the students more confident and competent in IGCSE mathematics course. Our team of IGCSE maths home tutor is very well trained in teaching this advanced course. IGCSE international maths has also two variants which are core and extended. The main topics for this course are number, algebra, functions, coordinate geometry, geometry, vectors and transformations, mensuration, trigonometry, sets, probability and statistics. A graphic display calculator is needed for this course. The IGCSE international core maths students are supposed to write paper 1, paper 3 and paper 5. The duration of these there papers is forty five minutes, one hour forty five minutes and one hour ten minutes respectively. Paper 1 , 3 and 5 weighs 25%, 60% and 15% of the final grade respectively. Our every IGCSE maths home tutor in Gurgaon conducts the topic wise assessment at student’s home after completion of each topic. The IGCSE international extended maths students are supposed to write paper 2, paper 4 and paper 6. The duration of these three papers is forty five minutes, two hours fifteen minutes and one hour forty minutes respectively. Paper 2, 4 and 6 weighs 20%, 60% and 20% of the total grade respectively. Our group of IGCSE maths home tutor in Delhi and Noida has developed topic wise revision notes for al the topics of this course. The use of graphic display calculator makes the IGCSE international maths paper more innovative as well as interesting for the students.
One more important variant of IGCSE mathematics course is Additional maths (0606). This is a very advance course and it is only assigned to those students who are extraordinary in mathematics and wants to pursue maths as one of the main subject in their under graduation. The main topics for IGCSE Additional mathematics are functions, quadratic functions, equations, inequalities and graphs, indices and surds, factors of polynomials, simultaneous equations, logarithmic and exponential functions, straight line graphs, circular measure, trigonometry, permutations and combinations, series, vectors in two dimension, differentiation and integration. Our expert team of IGCSE maths online tutor has created the detailed notes for all the topics of additional mathematics. A scientific calculator is required for this course. Students are awarded grades A* to E for this course. The assessment model of this course consists of two papers. Paper 1 is a two hours exam, the maximum marks for this paper is 80 and it weighs 50% of the final grade. Paper 2 is also a two hours exam with a maximum marks 80 and it weighs 50% of the total grade. Our group of online IGCSE maths tutors has developed the mock papers for the assessment of the students. Many chapters of this course are the basic topics of grade eleven maths curriculum, therefore students who take IGCSE additional maths in their grade ten find the A level maths or international baccalaureate diploma maths a bit easier. The key benefit of choosing additional maths course is that it provides a very strong foundation to the students for their higher education and improves their mental sharpness as well as analytical skills. Our every IGCSE online maths tutor makes the students to practice a huge number of questions to improve their problem solving skills.
The Cambridge IGCSE mathematics (US) (0444) course is offered in the USA. The syllabus of this course is similar to the IGCSE extended maths syllabus. This course has two variants which are core and extended similar to other mathematics courses. Core students write paper 1 and paper 3. Extended students write paper 2 and paper 4. Calculators are not allowed for paper 1 and paper 2 but a scientific calculator is allowed for paper 3 and paper 4. The duration for paper 1 is one hour and for paper 3 is two hours. The maximum marks for paper 1 are 56 and it weighs 35% of the total grade. The maximum marks for paper 3 are 104 and it weighs 65% of the final grade. The duration of paper 2 is one hour and thirty minutes. The maximum marks for paper 2 are 70 and it weighs 35% of the final grade. The duration of paper 4 is two hours and thirty minutes. The maximum marks for paper 4 are 130 and it weighs 65% of the final grade. We have a team of IGCSE online maths tutor in USA who provides online classes for the students staying in United States. The students who have learned IGCSE mathematics (US) and want to opt for a higher level maths course can go for IGCSE additional maths (US) (0459). This maths is similar to the normal additional mathematics of IGCSE curriculum. The syllabus as well as paper pattern for this course is also similar to IGCSE additional maths. Our group of IGCSE maths online tutor in USA trains the students for this curriculum via our online classes. The Cambridge IGCSE mathematics (9-1) (0980) has replaced the mathematics (0626) syllabus from 2019 onwards. This syllabus is almost similar to IGCSE mathematics (0580) syllabus but is graded from 9 to 1. The paper pattern of this course is also similar to the common IGCSE extended maths curriculum. Our team of IGCSE maths online tutor in California has developed the practice worksheets for every subtopic of this curriculum so that students can practice the question at their home after the online classes. Thus we see that there are a variety of mathematics course available for the students in the IGCSE curriculum. Therefore our IGCSE online maths tuition we help the students to learn the complex topics in an easier way. The main problem faced by the students is to answer the paper as per the assessment objectives guided by Cambridge International examination. Hence our IGCSE maths online tuition plays a pivotal role to make mathematics easy to learn and understand for the students.
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